Information clause related to competitions organized on the DW Creative Group profiles on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

In accordance with Article 13 of the GDPR, we inform you that:

1.The administrator of your personal data is DW GROUP Sp. z o.o. located in Pruszków (05-800), at ul. Raszyńska 11, KRS: 0000948917, NIP: 5342647256, with a share capital of PLN 5,000.00, fully paid, tel. +48 883 568 858, e-mail: (hereinafter referred to as the Administrator),

2.The personal data that the Administrator will collect are: Your nickname and/or first and last name used by you on Instagram and your image captured in the profile picture on Instagram as part of your profile on this portal; in the case of a person who won the Giveaway: first and last name, telephone number, email address (hereinafter collectively: Personal Data),

3.Personal Data will be processed with full respect for the rights and freedoms of the individual, based on Article 6(1)(b-c) and (f) of the GDPR, in the following scope and for the purposes of:

1.conducting the Giveaway, from its start to its conclusion,

2.deciding the Giveaway, selecting the most active person who won the Giveaway,

3.contacting the person who won the Giveaway and arranging a convenient date for them to undergo a makeover in the Administrator’s hair salon,

4. based on our legitimate interest, for the period from the start of the Giveaway to its conclusion and for recognizing reported complaints and enforcing claims through court proceedings, and promotional activities of the Administrator,

6.publishing materials containing the image of the person who won the Giveaway,

4.Providing Personal Data is voluntary but necessary for you to participate in the Giveaway and is necessary for the proper conduct of the Giveaway and the performance of the makeover,

5.Personal Data will be processed by the Administrator for a period of 5 (five) years, due to tax and accounting obligations and for the duration related to the possible enforcement of claims through court proceedings,

6.The Administrator will not transfer Personal Data to other entities, unless dictated by law or the legitimate interest of the Administrator (e.g., accounting entities); however, the Administrator always concludes data processing agreements, and the entities with which such agreements are concluded process Personal Data solely at its instruction,

7.Personal Data will not be subject to automated processing and will not be profiled,

8.You have the right to access your Personal Data and to request their: rectification, correction, restriction of processing, transfer, to object to their processing, in which case such a declaration should be directed to the Administrator’s address indicated in point 1) above. The Administrator will consider the application submitted by you within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of the notification,

  • 9.You have the right to receive a copy of your Personal Data that is processed by the Administrator. To receive such a copy of Personal Data, you must direct a request to the Administrator’s address indicated in point 1) above. The Administrator will consider the application submitted by you within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of the notification,
  • 10.You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of Personal Data at any time, without affecting the legality of the processing of Personal Data carried out before the withdrawal of such consent,
  • 11.You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, i.e., the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection, if you believe that the Administrator processes your Personal Data in a manner inconsistent with the applicable legal provisions
  • 12.Your Personal Data will not be transferred by the Administrator to countries outside the European Union or to international organizations, except for the Instagram, Facebook and/or Tik Tok portal in the case of announcing the results of the Giveaway,
  • 13.The Administrator indicates that it does not control what Personal Data the provider of plugins or pages of social networking services collects and how these Personal Data are processed. For information on the purpose and scope of collecting Personal Data, including cookies used there, their further processing and use by external providers and the rights you have and possible privacy settings of these providers, we refer to the data protection information of the provider, i.e., the Instagram portal at:, the Facebook portal at:, the Tik Tok portal at:,
  • 14. Contact with the Administrator is possible at the data indicated in item 1 a) above.
  • The Administrator also indicates that the Giveaway is not organized by the Instagram, Facebook and/or Tik Tok portal and the owners of these portals are not responsible for the Giveaway and its course.

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Koloryzacja jednolita

Koloryzacja jednolita przeznaczona jest dla osób, które chcą mieć na całych włosach kolor w jednym odcieniu, zazwyczaj zbliżonym do naturalnego. Pozwala ukryć tzw. odrost oraz siwe włosy, a także pogłębić odcień na długościach.

Trzeba jednak pamiętać, że w przypadku znacznych zmian koloru włosów może być konieczny zabieg wcześniejszej dekoloryzacji lub repigmentacji (gdy zmieniamy kolor na ciemniejszy).

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